T +31 (0) 20 6259303 info@arttra.com
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hidden treasure hunt in Amsterdam

ARTTRA offers interesting workshops as a teambuilding activity for 10 till 200 persons. But also for people who would like to do something with a group of art lovers! Such as really digging into a museum collection or painting in a real studio: thanks to our longstanding experience we offer each and every group the appropriate approach! Obviously, our guides/teachers are dedicated specialists, also available for foreign guests.

All this might be combined with drinks, lunch, dinner or a walking or boat tour.

Treasure hunt hidden gems – walk or bike

(1,5 – 2,5 hrs)

This treasure hunt reveals what is behind the beautiful picture of the cultural and architectural history of Amsterdam.
An active walk through Amsterdam’s historical centre and will lead them past a Buddhist Temple, one of the first gay café’s, convents, alleys, several god’s houses of different ethnic groups, memorial tables, art and what your group is specially interested in.

Guests will be divided in small groups. Each participant will be given a list of multiple-choice questions, which are to be answered by the group. The groups will then set off on their own through the town and must have completed their questions.
All groups will return at a special location have to return for drinks.
The winning group will be announced and they will be offered a special price.

Starting point and finishing point: depending on the amount of participants

Aanvraagformulier Workshop Geheimen Gouden eeuw-engels
Please apply by completing the form below, at least one week before the required date. You will receive our confirmation and invoice. For further information, you can, of course, call us on +31 (0)20-6259303.



cultural agency

Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
tel +31 (0) 20 6259303

Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For further information please  call us or mail to info@arttra.com