T +31 (0) 20 6259303 info@arttra.com
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ARTTRA Gallery
ARTTRA has been organising changing exhibitions of (inter)national contemporary artists since 1988. Come and view our gallery during opening hours.

Wednesday till Friday from 12.00 till 17.00 or on appointment.

ARTTRA Gallery

November / December 2022


‘Sweet Patatoe with open heart’ by Pablo Ponce

the 5th of November until the 31st of December 2022

September / October 2022


‘Arise’ by Jac Bisschops

the 3rd of September until the 30th of October 2022

March / May 2022

Duo Exhibition

Thread of life and the Philosopher Stone

by Lee Eun Young and Carel Lanters

the 5th of March until the 30th of May 2022

January /Februari 2022



Orna Wertman

the 15th of January until the 26th of February 2022

@Orna Wertman, fotomontage, I was not in Japan’ 125 x 178 cm (2019)

November /Januari 2022


Ode aan Hercules Seghers

Rik Lina

the 6th of November until the 9th of January 2022

September /October 2021


Quiet Light III

Jac Bisschops

the 4th of September until the 31th of October 2021

“Tres” gold foil – wood

May /August 2021


Ode to Adriaen Coorte

the 1st of May until the 31th of August 2021

Adriaen Coorte, Max Vilt, Cees Nouwens, Guido Pera,
Harm Mouw, Adriaen Coorte

March /April 2021


‘The Path of the Labyrinth’ by Sandra Derks

the 6th of March until the 25th of April 2021

January 2021/February 2021


Bob Bunck: Edward curtis

the 16th of January 2021 until the 28th of February 2021

November 2020/January 2021


‘Amsterdam in oil paint’
by Boudewijn Payens

the 7th of November 2020 until the 7th ofJanuary 2021

Opening Saturday 7th of November from 4pm until 7pm

Roeterseiland (2019) 205 x 100 cm


September/October 2020


by Jac Bisschops

the 5th of September until the 30th of October 2020

Opening Saturday 5th of September from 4pm until 7pm

Choir 2020
tempera – linnen * triptiek: 27 x 146 cm

July/August 2020


‘Scaled up’
by Peter van der Heijden

the 25th of July until the 30th of August 2020

June/July 2020


‘Ritme in beeld’
by Joost hoekstra

the 6th of June until the 19th of July 2020
Opening Saturday 6th of June 
from 4pm until 7pm

March/May 2020


by Sandra Derks

the 7th of March until the 31st of May 2020
Opening Saturday 7th of March 
from 4pm until 7pm

January/March 2020


‘Hommage aan geestverwanten’
by Rik Lina

the 11th of January until the 1st of March 2020
Opening Saturday 11th of January
from 4pm until 7pm

1997 saba-wells bay (hommage aan Tao Chi)

1983 Coupe Degas, 140 x 110 cm


November/December 2019


‘Voltooid Verleden Tijd’
by Mirjam de Zeeuw

the 2nd of November until the 28th of December 2019
Opening Saturday 2nd of November from 4pm until 7pm

October 2019


‘On Friendship/ (Collateral Damage) III – The Third GaLUT: Baghdad, Jerusalem, Amsterdam’
By Joseph Sassoon Semah

the 5th of October until the 30th of October 2019
Opening Saturday 5th of October from 4pm until 7pm


August / October 2019


– Resonance of Colors –

by Jac Bisschops

the 31st of August till the 2nd of October 2019
Opening: Saturday 
31st of August from 4 pm till 7 pm

Jac Bisschops Stream 2019 tempera – bladgoud 24 karaat – hout 34 x 28 cm

Jac Bisschops (1952) is a master in transforming the experience of space. His work refers to the invaluable worth of simplicity, spirituality, and transcendence. His paintings are characterized by clear composition and blazing color fields that unfold as meditative, pure sounds in a space. In his body of work, culminated over the last 40 years, he builds on ideas of among others Piero della Francesca, Piet Mondriaan, Ives Klein, and Andrei Tarkovski. Next to study trips in Europe, Jac Bisschops traveled to many corners of the world including Egypt, India, the Himalayas, Nepal, Morocco, and Mali. Apart from the metaphysical experience from being in nature, he absorbed art and the sacral architecture of ancient cultures. He is inspired by classical and contemporary spiritual and religieus music. His philosophy of life is oriented on Zen Buddhism.





June / July / August 2019


 Ganikovsky and Parshchikov

the 9th of June till the 23rd of August 2019
Opening: Sunday
9th of June from 4 pm till 7 pm

March/ May 2019


‘To See or not to See’

Aad Berlijn

the 9th of March till the 2nd of June 2019 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: saturday
9th of March from 4 pm till 7 pm


January / March 2019


‘Strange Games” by Marta Volkova and Slava Shevelenko

the 12th of January till the 3rd of March 2019 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: saturday
12th of January from 4 pm till 7 pm

December / January 2019


Bonheur is Bonheur is Anna Bonheur

the 15th of December till the 9th of January 2019 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: saturday
15th of December from 4 pm till 7 pm


November / December 2018



Jeroen Werner

the 4th of November till the 12th of December 2018 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: sunday
4th of November from 4 pm till 7 pm


September / October 2018


‘Resonance of silence’

Jac Bisschops

the 16th of September till the 28th of October 2018 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: sunday
16th of September from 4 pm till 7 pm


June / July 2018



Peter van der Heijden

the 3rd of June till the 26th of August 2018 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: sunday 
3rd of June from 4 pm till 7 pm


April / May 2018


‘Colors of trade’

New paintings by Titus Dekker

the 2nd of April till the 31st of May 2018 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: saturday 31st of March from 4 pm till 7 pm


February / March 2018


‘Return of the Feniks’

from Derks & Van Betuw

the 18th of February till the  25th of March 2018 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: Sunday 18th of February 4 pm till 7 pm


January / February 2018



from the Dutch/Korean Artist Lee Eun Young.

the 14th of January till the  11th of February 2018 at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: Sunday 14th of January 4 pm till 7 pm


October / December 2017




Jac Bisschops

the 29th of October till the 7th of January at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: Sunday the 29th of October 3 pm till 7 pm

Also Opened during Amsterdam Art Weekend

Friday November 24 from 14.00 – 19.00 hrs
Saturday November 25 from 14.00 – 19:00 hrs
Sunday November 26 from 14.00 – 19:00 hrs

September / October


”Kandinsky’s Autumn”


Cecile van der Heiden

the 9th of September till the 20th of October at ARTTRA gallery
Opening: Saturday the 9th of September 4 pm till 7 pm

July / August


 Carel Lanters


the 8th of July till the 31st of August
Opening: Saturday the 8th of July 4 pm till 7 pm

May / June


 Cees Nouwens

‘The Architect’

the 20th of May until the 30th of June 2017

April / May


 Frans Vendel

 ‘Space, Rhythm,Structure and Measurements in Black and White

the 8th of April until the 15th of May 2017

February / March


 Paul Dikker

 ‘Tamelijk opzienbarend

the 18th of February until the 31st of March 2017

January / February


 Mirjam de Zeeuw

 ‘rescued from oblivion’

the 14th of January until the 14th of February 2017



cultural agency

Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
tel +31 (0) 20 6259303

Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For further information please  call us or mail to info@arttra.com