T +31 (0) 20 6259303 info@arttra.com
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Dayprograms in Amsterdam
ARTTRA offers various cultural day programs on different themes. From the Golden Age to contemporary architecture. Tailored to the interests of your guests, guided by experienced art historians in any language desired. They are socially very capable, they will tailor their information to your group, and they will do their utmost to give you and your guests a good time. Clearly, ARTTRA ensures that all practical issues are perfectly taken care of.

Day program jazz in the Hortus Botanicus

The Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam, founded during the 17th century as a medicinal garden, is one of the oldest botanical gardens of the world.
ARTTRA organises exclusive evening receptions in this green oasis in the Plantation area.

The day starts off with a guided tour around, for example, the palm greenhouse, the butterfly garden or the three-climate greenhouse with a subtropical, tropical and desert greenhouse.
Afterwards you and your company can enjoy a walk along the restored Orangerie. This national monument will welcome your guests with a festive jazz dinner. In between the courses you can rest on the most beautifully situated terrace of town, or enjoy a walk around the romantic garden.

Prices depending on your wishes and the number of participants.

Aanvraagformulier Dagprogramma Jazz in de hortus-engels
Please apply by completing the form below, at least one week before the required date. You will receive our confirmation and invoice. For further information, you can, of course, call us on +31 (0)20-6259303.



cultural agency

Tweede Boomdwarsstraat 4
1015 LK Amsterdam
tel +31 (0) 20 6259303

Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For further information please  call us or mail to info@arttra.com